There seems to be a trend emerging from the menswear designers of the British Isles - Digital. The famed designer and former Versus Creative Director, Christopher Kane, has joined on the bandwagon, but again has made that trend his own. Ignore the grid and kaleidoscopic prints which so many designers have opted to trickle into their collections and go for the digital portraiture of Christopher Kane!

The abundance of underlaying black on the garments make the perfect canvas for triangular and curvaceous lines to form into eerie faces that stare at passersby. Portraiture may be the outstanding characteristic of the prints, but one must be set aback by the other motif - mist. These pieces within the collection encompass space-dream prints that are a combination of the technological and organic, further enhancing the biological aspects of the print, and may be a comment on the rapid fusion of man and machine, especially in this age.
Images courtesy of Fashionising