Brush aside all the celebrities who attended the Met Ball, and you'll see what this year's occasion was fundamentally celebrating - Punks. The Punk movement had an undeniable affect on everything - politics, culture, visual arts, music, graphic design and of course, fashion. The ripped jeans, nickel chains, out of context tartan, tshirts sporting unruly comments against society and the emergence of Fashion's Mother of Punk, Vivienne Westwood, and rising popularity of the musical anti-hero, Sid Vicious of The Sex Pistols.

The Costume Institute's exhibition, Punk: Chaos to Couture, is aimed at showing us all how rebellious we can be, simply through the way we band together and change culture through our collective resentment of the system. The exhibition will be at the Met in New York City will be open from May 9 - August 14 this year, so if you're heading to The Big Apple or are already a local, make sure you channel your inner rebel and bathe in the Punk atmosphere at the exhibition.

For more information on the Punk: Chaos to Couture, head to the Met Museum website
Images courtesy of Met Museum and Suzanne DeChillo from The New York Times