The Terrible Congrat   +  Winston Tan

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week - Day 5
Gabe Perez from Ikon Management and I at the Raffles International Showcase
Sarah Faye Duong from Belanci, me and fellow blogger Alicia Kara before the Akira presentation at The Box
Today was the final day of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, and it was time for my college to show off its international students' talents at the International Showcase. I joined my fellow Raffles students Gabe Perez - Sales and Marketing Manager for Ikon Management and Blogger at Freedom Gabriel, Sarah Faye Duong from Belanci shoes, blogger Alicia Kara, Romika, Sasha, Rachel and Kylie for the showcase and I emerged from the show proud of the students that showcased their collections!

Raffles International Showcase

Winston Tan

Winston Tan

Winston Tan 
Crystal Tsoi
Crystal Tsoi
Crystal Tsoi
Ayaka Ichikawa
Ayaka Ichikawa
Gabriel Lee
Gabriel Lee

Gabriel Lee

Gabriel Lee

Gabriel Lee

Gabriel Lee

Gabriel Lee
The showcase was absolutely wonderful, and the distinguishable approaches to fashion design which these designers take were presented beautifully. Winston Tan from Malaysia showed Alexander McQueen style headdresses with digitized floral prints, Crystal Tsoi from Hong Kong presented minimalist pieces which almost clinged to the body with an emphasis on light straps to hold them together - creating a relationship of dependency on the body to the pieces, Ayaka Ichikawa from Japan brought architectural cuts and stiff silhouettes to the audience - something which Japanese fashion designers have always been known for, and finally, Gabriel Lee from Korea ended the showcase with Balenciaga FW12 inspired visors and innocent flowy garments, and who can forget the dress at the end?

Other shows during the day included Suboo, Akira Isogawa, Bless'ed Are The Meek, New Generation 2, Style Hong Kong, Nana Judy and Fernando Frisoni.

Goodbye Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2012! I enjoyed all the shows, the parties, the people and especially the fashion!