Jack Dante ist ein Fotograf aus Beirut.
Seid 1989 lebt er in Paris als angesagter Fotograf
...so special about you, then?
I have two names, one for each of my activities.
...your worst vice?
Reading fashion magazines.
...better - analog or digital?
Digitalized analog (for example, in photography, it's practical to work on a scanned film).
...your favourite piece of clothing?
My old t-shirts: they have holes to bring fresh air and they are very soft.
...the world coming to?
Same chaos.
...the name of your hero?
Keith Richards.
...so great about your hero?
He's still alive.
...next year going to bring?
...your worst fashion secret?
It's a secret.
How would you describe your work?
I try to catch poetry in reality - moments and emotions.